This week is over and a new week is starting.. Same 'ol, same 'ol! I left off from last week at craft day.. It was a good day! I did not bring over a craft, but I did bring my pictures to go through and sort. I got rid of a lot of duplicates or some that were not worth keeping. I think "craft day" has turned into "eat and gab" day. hehe! Which is fine with me! This Wednesday though is a birthday party too! I am attempting to make a southwestern egg roll with an avocado dipping sauce... from scratch!!! Eek!
Thursday was a home day as well. With all of us broke and such, we have not been getting together as much.. I was itching to go out all week, then towards the end of the week I was content with staying in! Friday was going to be our "BIG DAY OUT"... ya, Hilary and I pretty much got 5+ days worth of mischief into about 10 minutes! After about 2 hours we were ready to go home and rest! hehe. It was fun getting out with my homies, even if it was short lived!
Saturday Joseph had to go into work to open something so I brought his framed accomplishments and we *finally* decorated his office.... he has only been in there since January! hehe. I will have to remember to be faster with that for him. It looks good but there is still more to add. I am going to bring him some family pictures and maybe a hat tree for his stetson. After that we headed to village inn for some breakfast. We *CANNOT* take the kids out like that often as prices just continue to rise! For 5 of us, it is just too much to go out. It was a nice treat though, and we have not been out like that in a while. We came home and were about to rest and get us some warcraft time when his phone went off. Someone needed a blessing so off he went! He got Paul Nouhan to join him (thanks Paul and Hilary) for doing that. It is nice to have people you can call on for things like that! I don't know what I did while he was gone.. I think I worked on the Enrichment Night stuff for this week.. which reminds me, I need to e-mail the chair lady!! -- Don't let me forget! ha! I also baked some chocolate chip cookies and some homemade soft pretzels. I was finishing that up when Joseph walked in the door. He changed into his pj's and helped start dinner while I finished with the pretzels. Finally after dinner we sat down to play warcraft.
Today was a great day at church. It was just "one of those days" where you feel the spirit with such gusto. :) Joseph and I got our temple recommends renewed today and we are planning a trip to the temple in June! I am just so excited! We have not been in *SO* long! We have had our recommends, but been too far away or just never made the effort to go. So now we are and it feels incredible. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful worthy husband! Yesterday when he went to give a blessing to someone, all I could think of was how lucky and happy I was to be married to someone who can be able to do that! How fortunate I am to have a worthy priesthood holder in my home.
I love how Heavenly Father is always watching over us too. Lately I have been on the fence about modesty.. I will try to explain but it may come out not right, so bear with me. I got put in charge of the fashion show the young women are going to be doing on Thursday for enrichment night. So as a person in charge I needed to research and prepare not only for me, but for the young women. As I was reading about modesty, I kept feeling like I was being told *You cannot and WILL NOT wear this or that* and the rebellious side of me was thinking, "Ya right, then I *WILL* wear this and I *WILL* wear that"... It is sometimes hard to explain but being brought up not in the church and "Californian" I grew up not paying much attention to that area so sometimes the way I was brought up and the way I live my life now conflict and then I struggle. So anyway, I tried to talk to Joseph about it a couple days ago and fumbled over myself and it did not get very far.. then today, not once but twice it came up. Joseph brought it up first in Sunday school and we discussed it for almost the whole class. He finally said, "get off the fence, either you want to be modest or you don't" There was more to it, but I can't remember right now. So I thought about it, and what I wanted to do. Then during my interview, the Bishop read a paragraph on garments and why we wear them.. All I could do was cry and think that my Heavenly Father knows me and is showing me the way.. I know it sounds corny to some who are reading this, but it is how I feel.
So now we are home, Joseph is still at church because he had a big audit to take care of. I hope it goes well and it is easy, and they go through everything quickly. He will be home later and I believe we are going to start reading the scriptures as a family tonight! I look forward to that and all the discussions it will involve!
Hope everyone has had a great weekend, and has a fabulous week!
2 days ago
1 comment:
You're on the right side of the fence Teri. You're awesome. I don't think it sounded corney. Joseph's in one the best callings in the church and you feel more motivated to do what's right. The #1 thing is to be consistent with reading praying and temple attendance while were in our calling and after were realeased from our callings. We love you guys and are really proud of you.
Stu and Arlee
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