Friday, February 25, 2011

Movie night!


I am not writing tonight, I think I will watch a movie with my most favorite man in the world! Have a great night!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nair-1 Teri-0

OOOOOoooooooooo!!! Day three! Whaaaaaaaaaat??!! Hehe!

I am writing very early because I have a special delivery coming in later, and won't be able to write.

This morning I was woken up at about 6:30. I did not sleep well anyway, and I was sort of awake anyway. I got a text from Hilary, no workout at her house today because she has bad allergy/sinus crud going on. I hope you feel better soon! Don't be too hard on yourself for taking a day off... You deserve rest!

So, I rolled out of bed and threw my hair up in a ponytail, and put on some clothes. I had a few errands I needed to do so after I dropped off Savannah and Justin at school, I headed to my first stop, Wal-Mart. I needed to get a new trash can, and hoped they had water so I could fill my 5 gallon jug thing. No water, but I got 2 trash cans, 1 for, well, trash, and 1 for recycle stuff. I am getting tired of it piling on my counter!

After Wal-Mart it was off to the commissary to grocery shop. I was in and out in about an hour and got pretty much everything on my list. I totally forgot to debit out some cash for the bagger, and so I reached into my tithing, hoping there was a $5 in there.. no there was not, only $20's. I felt horrible about that, so I gave him a $20, but he gave me $15 in change back! Whew! So when I got home I grabbed $5 from a piggy bank and that way I still have 100% of my tithing! I have held onto it all month, I do not know why! But hooray for me for not spending it.

Aaron was going to stay home with me today because of his fever/barfing yesterday but he had no fever all day and he was acting normal, so I took him to school anyway. He is still feeling good and fever free, so that is good!

While the kids were at school I started a cleaning binge on the house. I got dishes, laundry, floors, counters, dusting, and bedding done! I know, I am awesome! At 1, I had to jump in the shower and get ready to pick up the kids. I had shaving and plucking to do, and that takes time! I totally tried to save time by using Nair on my legs, and ya, I totally burned them all up! Nair is now in the trash and will never be used by me again! This was at 1pm and it is after 6 and I am still hurting! Oh well, lesson learned, Nair-1 Teri-0...

I picked up the kids but I had only one eyebrow done, so I totally did the other one in the car waiting for them! It was awkward and weird, but oh well, I needed to get it done! We got home and I continued my cleaning since I wasn't quite done before my shower. The kids did their homework and have been glued to the tv for the past hour.

It is now dinner time and I have no idea what I wanna do! I am thinking since I cleaned everything, I want it to stay clean for at least a night, so I may just go grab something. My special delivery will be here about 9pm tonight, and so that gives me 3 more hours to get ready. I still need to put on my face (haha that made me laugh) and get pretty! Ok, well I got to feed the kids, and sitting down is making me sleepy! I have to keep moving!

No pictures were taken today.. :(

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's Day 2 Sucka's!!!!

I can't figure out th picture thing just yet, so Uh, here they are from today, in the beginning of my post.. This is harder than I though!!!

What is this????? Two posts IN A ROW!!! Whaaaaaaat???!!

Today was good. I woke up at 6:50, 10 minutes before my alarm went off. I like getting up before my alarm, somehow I feel more rested.. I turned the alarm off, laid in bed for about 5 minutes, and got up. Threw on some workout clothes and headed out to wake up the kids. They were already up, so I got them breakfast and had them getting ready for the day. Aaron has been battling a fever for the past 2 days, and I thought it was nothing, but then tonight he barfed.. it could have been from eating doughnuts at church while running around with other kids, but I do not know. His fever is back so looks like tomorrow is going to be a home day for the both of us.. no playing with friends. *sad face*

So, once everyone was ready we headed out. I used Joseph's car today because mine was still in the shop being fixed up from my previous fight with the trash can. I dropped them off and headed to Hilary's. We did Carmen Electra's strip tease video thing today. It was so funny.. I cannot take that girl seriously. It was an ok workout, I did perspire a bit. I think I worked my mid section too much because when I got home to shower I was way more swollen than I have seen myself, so uh, maybe I should not strip anymore?! At least for now!

So I got ready, and took Aaron to school. Hilary was coming to pick me up because Wednesday's are craft days with the ladies. While she was on her way, the dealership called and said my car was ready, so we hit up the px first so Hilary could cash a check and then she dropped me off to pick up my car. I tried to see if the repairs and such were free, but they laughed at my request and charged me the normal fee's. Bummer, because I did not want to pay it! hehe.

I jumped into my car, which had a funny "man" smell, and drove off. I noticed right away a difference in the drive. I know my car thanks me for taking care of it! I was suppose to stop and get a refill for my cup, but I totally forgot, and headed to Karen's for the craft. I did not have a craft today, so I just watched others do theirs. Everyone is so crafty and their stuff comes out looking so good! Mine comes out and looks like my 5 year old did it!

I stayed there for about an hour and a half, and then it was time to pick up the kids. I was picking up Justin and Savannah today too because Savannah had a field trip to a symphony and was dressed up, so I thought it would be polite of me to not let her walk home. I'm such a nice mom! When we got home we sort of just hung out. Joseph and I were texting back and forth (finally, after not hearing from him for 1 week!) and we didn't do too much. At 6:30 it was time to head over to church. We were planning the blue and gold banquet thing for scouts, it was my first time, and it was not too bad. Although, just after it started one of the counselors in the bishopric called me into a room for a "meeting". I am getting a calling, but I will tell you on Sunday or whenever they do call me! Until then, just wait! It has been about a year and a half-ish since I had one. I liked not having one, but I can feel it is time to get back into something.

After that, I asked Danielle what I was doing for the banquet, and signed up for rope (tug of war), brownies and condiments. Interesting choices, but that was what was left over. They brought doughnuts to the meeting tonight, and the kids dove into them quick! After they had that, we headed home.

Joseph will be home tomorrow, so that means a bit of preparation is in order. No more cereal for dinners, I will have to get "real" food to cook! I will take that though over him being gone! Rather have him home!

Well, that brings us up-to-date AGAIN! I am on a roll! *insert happy dance here* Have a good night/day.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Promise is a Promise

On facebook today I got called out by my Sister-in-law that I need to blog more, with pictures! So, I said I would, and a promise is a promise.

I am way behind on writing, and there is no use in trying to catch up, so I will just start with today! I will try and write nightly, and stay with it, so that I keep my family and friends up-to-date and they won't have to peek on my friends blog to check up on me! (but you can certainly still peek in on my friends!)

I started out the day with my alarm at 6. See, I wanted to get up and walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then get the kids up for the day... Ya, that did NOT happen! I turned off my alarm, reset it for 7, and went back to sleep. I got up, put my workout clothes on and started to get the kids up. Aaron was already up because he had a bad dream that Justin cut his throat. He even told me, "see, my throat is ok!". Poor kid, nightmares are no fun! I got the other 2 up, and got cereal out, and made their lunches. Usually we are done getting ready by 7:30, which gives them about 20-25 minutes to play DS or watch cartoons. I will check my e-mails, and facebook at this time as well.

We were out the door at 7:50 and I dropped off the older two at school. Aaron and I headed to Hilary's house for workout time! Today was Zumba on the wii. Today we had Karen, Ariell, Hilary, Laurie, Mikayla (sp?) and myself. It took a little while to get going because we wanted to work out to the lady zumba person and not the guy, but Hilary had a tough time figuring it out, so we went ahead and followed the dude. I wasn't too into it today.. after 4 days off (Friday-Monday) it was hard to get into it. I did a severely modified version! At least I did something!

OH! Okay, so I did forget one little thing... when we were on our way to Hilary's, I had an oops. I hit a trash can that was way too close to the street. It was a plastic green one, but it totally busted my passenger side mirror! Hmph! It was either the trash can or a cement truck, so I took a chance! $450 later.... that's right folks, four hundred and fifty dollars!! It's ok, it is the second time in 1 year that I have replaced it, and so I was prepared this time on how much it was going to be! I am just glad it was not a heated mirror or one with the blinker in it! Would have totally jacked up the price! Well, I took it in and I also got a LOT more maintained with it, so it will be a pretty penny.. Boo!!!

So, after my workout I stuck around for Hilary to show me some crazy dirty YouTube stuff. Have you seen the shake weight? It is so dirty and many people have offered their interpretation on the thing, and it was freakin hilarious! Thanks for that! When we got home, I had about an hour before Aaron had to be in school, so I showered and got ready for the day. I dropped him off and headed to the Chevy dealership. It was going to be a long wait because 1-- I was having a lot done to it, and 2-- there were many, many cars in front of me. So, I left the car there, and walked across the street to a shopping center. Hilary said she could come pick me up and take me home after her lunch with her husband. I walked the mall thing, had a salad and window shopped. Hilary showed up about an hour later and she shopped while I tagged along. She brought me to pick up Aaron and then took us home. THANKS HILARY!!!!!!!! YOU'RE AWESOME!
When we got home, I watered our plants in the backyard.. we are trying to grow 4 flower pots full of different types of flowers and 2 pots of blackberry's and raspberry's. Savannah and Justin got home rather fast today. They got their homework done and decided to play their DS's. Hilary was on her way to pick me up to get the car when the dealership called and said it would not be ready until tomorrow. So Thanks again Hilary! :D What would I do without you!?!

I ordered pizza for the kids and I tonight, but the kids were NOT into it, and so now I have a huge pizza that is going to the trash! What a waste! Aaron has a fever tonight and hopefully it will be gone tomorrow, but it is spiking at 101. If it is still around tomorrow I may not be able to workout or head to the craft day with the ladies. He had a fever last night, but it was gone this morning. Crossing fingers. Savannah is having a field trip to a youth symphony tomorrow and she is extremely excited.

Well, that catches up for today. Are you happy now Melissa? :D So, if I write on my blog, does that mean you should write on yours? Hmmmmm?????

Here are pictures from today, since she also said I do not post pictures enough! These are all for you! Today's picture of myself, and of the damage on the mirror!

There has GOT to be a better way to upload pictures!!! Wow that took forever!