Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Im Draggin'!!

These past couple weeks have seem to just fly right past me. As a matter of fact, the whole month of March has been a blur. We went to California for the kids spring break and we had a good time. It was nice to see most of the family. I could not get to everyone because of one thing or another, but I will try and catch them next time.
Here are some pictures from our trip...

The first one is a picture of myself, my dad, and my brother. Please excuse the pink bra that is showing through my shirt... that shirt is now in the recycling bag!!! How did I become so miniature?

We went to the discovery science center, and had a blast. The kids were so into the stuff there, we will have to go back. Unfortunately when we were there, so was about 5 school buses full of students on a field trip! Bummer!! We are so going back!

At my Mom's, we were taking family photos, and this was the only one I got to get before the photographer told me to ditch the camera!! :( I cannot wait to see the professional shots, cause this one is too cute!
Aaron 3, Justin 6, Savannah 9.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Long Week!

Last week was a L-O-N-G week. I had so much going on that much of it is a blur. Early in the week I completed my Psychology paper. I love those classes! They are too much fun!! So that was out of the way. Then I had a couple of FRG (Family Readiness Group) classes to attend. They were nice and informational. I worked on a few things with the FRG and got some things done. ( I still have WAY more to do with that... ) Aaron got to attend "school" a couple of days last week. He LOVES it. He always says, "ill miss you mommy", but once he is inside, it is all about the toys! He was there for two mornings and they wanted to try and get him used to the potty. I thought it was a lost cause because when he sits on the toilet, he tells me nothing is coming out, and wants out. So, I let them try and he did what I predicted. BUT, since last week, he has been going pee in the potty everyday and only wears a diaper when sleeping! Woot! So he is half way potty trained! Well, he still poops in his underwear, but we are working on that. I thought that it was going to be a nightmare to get him to use the potty, but it worked out on his time. Yea!

I really do not remember much about the rest of my week. I studied hard for my math final. It was a LOT of note taking and practice. I did not pass my test, I got 31.6 out of 56! However, I only needed to get 28 right to pass math class, and I DID IT! That stuff is so freakin hard, but I passed and do not have to re-take it! Today starts algebra 2.... so .. we will see. I sort of know what to expect now, so I am hoping to do better in this one. I am not as terrified as I was 9 weeks ago.

This past weekend, the boys got sick... again. Aaron has a nasty runny nose and cough, and Justin has the same with a fever. He is home with us today. Sunday we missed Church again... I think by now it is safe to say we have hit inactive stage? LOL. Not really, but it seems like that. I am catching that cold they have and I feel miserable, but it can be worse. I just have a head cold, and I am hoping it will be gone by next week for our trip.

Joseph has said that he had a surprise for me, and could only keep it a secret for 2 days, then he told me. He is just as bad as I am with holding secrets from me. I cannot do it either, I get too excited. Anyway, if he gets the time off that he thinks he is (no block leave this summer, only opportunity leave) then he wants to take me on a Cruise on the Pacific Coast down to Mexico! He said since we didn't have a honeymoon, and we did nothing for the two of us on our 10th anniversary, that he wanted to do something special for our 11th! I am excited and really hope that we can go, but I understand if we cant go. He will be gone for our 12th anniversary and be back around our 13th, so I can plan for then! :)

This week I am starting my new classes. I have algebra 2 and nutrition. Should be an interesting 9 weeks. I am sure I am going to learn a lot about my bad eating habits! Oh Joy! But I will learn more about how to change those habits for good ones.
Next week I am going home to California for spring break. Joseph has to work so he cannot come. He is starting to ask me how long I will be gone, and when I am coming back on a daily basis now. I think he is going to miss me? :P

Well, I better go. I have been hiding at the computer for a little while and the boys are fighting and crying and whining! Good Times.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This week will be quite busy with my finals and other "regular" things I have to get done. I will post more next week. I have a TON of studying to do! TTYL