Friday, August 22, 2008


It is confirmed. We are indefinite in the Army... well, Joseph is, I just get to tag along. He made official Wednesday the 20th of August. I am so proud of him. He is finally ok with the decision of being a "lifer" and I am content with it too. (Personally I am scared of civilian life now :P) Anyway, he has many changes going on within his current unit, and will be switching over to a new unit sometime soon. Once he switches units, he will be on the deployment rotation again, and training his soldiers for war. We have been blessed to have him home and out of harms way for so long, it is his time again.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Awards, Finals and School... Oh My!

We have had a busy couple weeks! First, Joseph was nominated for an award, which was very nice. However, Joseph found out that it was not simply a nomination, but he had a give his military biography, write an essay, get a sponsor and go to the board!!! (the board is a couple people that ask you questions) So, needless to say he was stressed out for a little while with this going on. The board was last week, and guess what?!!? He won!!! I knew that he was going to do well. He is an obvious choice when it comes to military awards and promotions... (I may be bias, but he is an awesome soldier!)
After that, it was my final week in my second block of classes, so I had two finals to turn in. I was not nearly as stressed out with them as I was the first block!!! I am still waiting on my grades, but I am confident that I did well. Monday (yesterday) I started my third block of classes. I am finally taking my core classes for psychology. That class has already started off with lots of information and lots of things to think about. My other class is research writing... and it is scary. I am sure there is going to be a ton of reading involved and lots of, well, research.
The kids are all registered and we got all the school supplies ready and waiting by the door. Savannah is excited that she is in the third grade. She is looking forward to finding out what friends she had last year, will be in her class this year. Justin is super excited about school. He asks about once a day when he will get to go. He has been super cute this last week as we get closer to the first day of school. He has a lot to learn when he gets there, but I think the transition will be easier than I am anticipating. Aaron is oblivious to anything outside his world, but I know that when he realizes that Justin will be gone all day, he is going to want to go to school with big brother.
Joseph will be re-enlisting (indefinitely... yikes!) tomorrow morning. He wanted to make sure he re-enlisted while his Lt. was still around and all his soldiers. I cannot believe that in September he will have 13 years in the Army. It is amazing how fast that time has flown by. I am so proud of him and his accomplishments with his military career. I feel honored that I am a part of his life and can experience all of this with him. He is such a wonderful man, soldier, father, friend and husband. I couldn't ask for anything more.

Friday, August 8, 2008

It's Friday already??!?

Well, I cannot believe it is Friday!! Again! When you stay at home with the kids it seems like time just will not stand still and just fly away from you. This week we had a busy week. I had a doctors appointment for my asthma. I did a good deed a week ago... I mowed the lawn for the first time in my life! I know... i am spoiled, but I was glad to do it. Well, about two hours later, my asthma decided to show its ugly self, and it has been dormant (sp?) for about four years!! So I had to get myself an inhaler again. :( Then Thursday was a family trip to the dentist! Everyone had good check-ups and the kids are now obsessed with the dentist and cleaning their teeth! As soon as we got home they wanted to brush their teeth again, and again, and again! LOL. I am glad they had a good experience. This following week is my final week in my 2nd block of classes. Soooo, that means I am working on two finals! Pretty busy for right now.

Justin is excited to start kindergarten at the end of this month! If he does not listen to me, I can use the excuse, "well it will help you with school, or it will get you ready for school". I can only use that for so long, and you bet I am using it now! Savannah will be in the third grade! THIRD grade! She is getting so big! She loves school and cannot wait to go see her friends (whoever is left here and did not move!). Aaron is still my little baby! He likes to snuggle up and watch cartoons with Mom. He is such a sweetheart. He still takes a couple hours a day for naps, so i am looking forward to that alone time! I am sure I will be confused for a little while with no kids around... LOL.

Well, I better get going. I am still messing around with the site. I am very new to it, and finding out how to do a lot of stuff. Any advise would be great!!! :)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Vacation Pictures

Here are some pictures from our trip.. The kids really had a great time and enjoyed the out-doors. It was a great vacation. I got much enjoyment out of watching the kids have so much fun.