What another busy, filled week! There seems to be a lot of those lately, and I am fine with that. I think I don't like to be NOT busy. I sit around the house and get very little done. I like to have things to do and to go places. Thanks Hilary for getting me out of the shell I hide in... Now that *you're* busy with other things I am restless to do something or go somewhere.. hehe! It is all good. I applied for a very cool job and if I get it, I will be plenty busy.
So, last week was busy with normal things. Karen and I went to Hobby Lobby and I held her hostage for about 3 hours! It was a great time and I really enjoyed it. She is a great person and always a joy to be with. I believe this was Monday... Tuesday was a steering committee meeting. We talked about an upcoming "Stryker Day" where the families can come out and learn about the new vehicles, and climb in them and such. We were also discussing a range as well and have a bus that would take some people out to the range so they can shoot a stryker. Way cool stuff. Wednesday was craft day and a birthday party. Basically all of us have no more crafts but we still get together for lunch and gab! It is a lot of fun and I enjoy these ladies very much. We are calling it quits since summer is coming and there will be kids home, so that is a bummer. We are just going to have to come up with other ways to hang out! Not too sure what Thursday and Friday were about. I really should blog more often so I know what I do! lol. I do remember Saturday!! Joseph and I were going to the bishops store house to help stock food and such and we were dropping the kids off at the Nouhan's... well, we were almost to the store house when a little baby puppy ran to our car. Ok, so I did make noises and talk all high pitched to it. I scooped it up and was going to bring it to the humane society so it would not get run over or something else tragic. Joseph thought I would bring it home to live with us, but honestly I am not ready to love another puppy at this time. Scout really messed me up with it, and I just can't seem to get past it. So anyway, the humane society was closed until 11am and this was at 7am.. so I told Hilary I was coming over with a puppy. She got excited and the kids were excited too. They even gave it a name, Dakota. Had something to do with Paul's work changing a name or something... Well, I left the puppy with them for the day. After discussing, they decided not to keep it, and I went to pick it up to take to the humane society because it was my responsibility since I found it! But the humane society was closed and so I brought it home with us for the night. She pee'd everywhere! LOL At least the poop was outside! I forgot how hard it can be to have a little puppy around... Sunday we went to church, and Joseph offered to take it since he knew how hard it was for me, emotionally. He is a sweetheart, and I love him! (just thought I'd throw that in here!)
Unfortunately he had the hardest time with the humane society and so I told him, I will NOT be picking up any puppy's anymore.. I just can't get involved and then drag my family into it. He dealt with the rude people at the humane society, and the kids were super sad to see her go.. Savannah came in crying! Poor kid.
Oh! On Saturday we went to the carnival that the young women were having as a fundraiser for camp. It looked like it went well and everyone had a good time. Poor Hilary got super sun burnt... I hope she feels better soon! It sucks to have burns.. I had plenty of them growing up and I still remember the really bad ones... Ouch!
Today is craft day again. It is our last one. We are losing some to moving this summer too so it is a bitter sweet time. Those who are moving on will be missed and thought of often. This is the hard stuff with military.. you finally get friends who you can trust and love and then they are called to go elsewhere. It is always how it goes but does not make it any easier.
Joseph is gone for the night as well. He has a spur ride he is doing and will be back tomorrow. It is very interesting how things have changed from even 10 years ago in the military. It is so much more calm, meaning no more yelling, name calling or hazing with things. I know they will still have a good time, but it is so different than when Joseph had to earn his spurs.
With that, I am off to get ready for my day. See ya!
9 hours ago