Tuesday, September 22, 2009


You guys are too funny!
Ok, so the peanut butter story goes like this...

One day while I was getting the house cleaned and spiffy (Melissa is this an acceptable word? :P)
and I was in the back of my house cleaning my room, bathrooms, kids room etc. I had been in the back for about 15 minutes when I noticed that the house seemed a little too quiet. You ladies know that type of quiet... the type of quiet that is to loud you know something it up. So I start my rounds from room to room... Aaron is no where to be found. Not in my room, not in the bathrooms, kids room, living room, dining room, garage or backyard. I begin to panic a tad because I did not know if he left the house, or what was up. I turned off the music in the living room (I clean while I am Jammin' (how bout this word?))... When I notice a small sound coming from the kitchen.. I walk into our kitchen listening hard to where this is coming from. Well, I finally pinpoint a cupboard that is making the noise. I open the door and Aaron is sitting in the way back of it with his hand in the peanut butter jar with peanut butter smears on him, and the entire cupboard. I wish I took a picture, because it was messy!

This is not part of the peanut butter story, but he LOVES the cupboards for some weird reason! (Aaron, age 2)

Another time he got into peanut butter he was thoughtful and washed it off before he put it back. (I did not know he had it until...) I opened it and there was water inside.. NASTY! He told me he cleaned it after he ate some. lol

I do have pictures that go along with this story.. Right after we moved into our house here, about 3-5 months or so after the kids were playing in the back in their room. Nothing too crazy, because I can hear them playing so I think all is well. However, Aaron comes out (and he is about 1 and a half years old at the time) looking a bit "white". Him and his big brother Justin had decided they wanted to play with the baby powder... Oh yes, it was an entire bottle all over everything. This did not happen once, or twice, but three times in the span of about a month. Yes, I replaced the baby powder every time, until the last and just stopped buying it. Good times!!!
I wish I got the room too.. There was baby powder particles EVERYWHERE! And that stuff is hard to clean!!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Too much!

So, this week is going to be an interesting one. Tonight was our FRG meeting, but we had a BN one, so yea, it was un-organized and sort of messy but we got it done. I do not think those are very good! I will have company level meetings from now on out! My voice is gone from all the talking, and I was not even speaking to the group, I was talking to everyone else, and I mean everyone. I feel so overwhelmed right now with stuff. Why am I doing this again? Because I care about the families? Yeah I do, but holy moly it can be ... I do not have a word right now.

While Joseph is gone, I may not have any time to miss him! I am going to be too busy and the time is just going to zip by! Good or bad, I have not decided.

I can probably ramble on and on at this point because I am so tired, I can just pass out, but I am waiting for the boys to fall asleep first. You know, so I know they are not into any food while I am not looking... If I havent shared the peanut butter story with you, I will have to some other time..

Ok, I lost my train-choo-choo of thought and that is never good. Uhhhhhhhhh...... drool........... I feel like patrick star right about now.

Well, on that note, I will say good night. I am going to take a moment and chillax before I end this day and start another busy one. -- I have decided-- I do not like being busy.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

You got to Move-it, Move-it!

Thank you Melissa for the great advice the other night!

I have been looking at things differently in the last 2 days. I was sort of getting down on myself, and felt so overwhelmed! I got it off my chest, got some much needed advice and picked myself up the next morning and took off! It was slow going as I had class in the morning and it sort of hindered my energy, so I did very little, more than normal, but not enough.

Today however, I have been a busy little bee and got tons done! I am not done yet, and sort of sad that the day is winding down and I have to do other things like make dinner, bathe the kids, and put them to bed, but HOPEFULLY I will get back to my stuff!

Yesterday I went out and bought a protein powder mix to replace my dinners and breakfasts. I hope this will help with my diet, because to tell the truth, I am out of control with bad eating habits. It has become so easy to say "lets pick something up for dinner" rather than cook it myself. (not to mention it costs a fortune to do that!! and I would rather spend money on something else than fast food!) I haven't tried it yet, I will tonight though, it is my dinner! I am nervous about the taste but more nervous if it will keep me full so I don't eat a snack right before bed. (another bad habit)

This month is flying by, and before I know it Joseph will be home and then not. :( I have classes all next week except Friday to keep me busy. Not to mention my college classes! This block is Sociology and Philosophy! Oye! A lot of brain power going into these 2 for sure!!!

I started a new chores/rewards system with the kids. So far things are going smooth. We will see how long it lasts! I think I picked some good rewards to keep them motivated like a night out alone with mom or dad... $$$, and computer time (which is REALLY big for them right about now.)

Well, this was therapeutic! I may have to come back to blog more often about the day!!! Off to continue my chores while this energy lasts!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

And the count-down begins.....

So, last night at 11pm we dropped off the Man of the house at work. He is at NTC for training, and will be back in about 4 weeks... Then we get about a month with him before he is in that big sandbox in the east.

So far things are ok. The kids seem to be ok for now.. Dad has been here and gone a lot lately, so I am hoping that when the big day arrives, they are troopers and will take it better than I expect.

I do have a headache though today. I did not get much sleep last night as you can imagine, and I have had about 1/2 liter of Dr. Pepper and I am sure I will polish it off before bed tonight, or it will be gone by tomorrow afternoon! No sleep and caffeine are a fun combination! Also, I was re-arranging furniture all day... Don't worry, Joseph knows.. it was planned! My forearms are killing me though! I guess I was using muscles I haven't used EVER before. I can hardly lift anything anymore.. looks like I will clean up my mess another day. I would say tomorrow, but I have to be realistic!

I think I am going to take a sewing class on post if they offer one. I have been wanting to learn to sew for YEARS and tried to teach myself, I even have sewing machine, but I do not know how to use it very well. I would like to add that to my hobby list! That could keep me busy during deployment and productive so I am not sitting around doing nothing.

Well, it is time to go relax, I hope. I have so much to get done around the house I feel overwhelmed. It is time to clean things out and re-organize but it is so much, I just do not know where to begin... Someone needs to come and help me!

It is 6pm, I think I will put the kids to bed at 7 tonight and have some quiet, or maybe I can pass out too! TTYL