You guys are too funny!
Ok, so the peanut butter story goes like this...
One day while I was getting the house cleaned and spiffy (Melissa is this an acceptable word? :P)
and I was in the back of my house cleaning my room, bathrooms, kids room etc. I had been in the back for about 15 minutes when I noticed that the house seemed a little too quiet. You ladies know that type of quiet... the type of quiet that is to loud you know something it up. So I start my rounds from room to room... Aaron is no where to be found. Not in my room, not in the bathrooms, kids room, living room, dining room, garage or backyard. I begin to panic a tad because I did not know if he left the house, or what was up. I turned off the music in the living room (I clean while I am Jammin' (how bout this word?))... When I notice a small sound coming from the kitchen.. I walk into our kitchen listening hard to where this is coming from. Well, I finally pinpoint a cupboard that is making the noise. I open the door and Aaron is sitting in the way back of it with his hand in the peanut butter jar with peanut butter smears on him, and the entire cupboard. I wish I took a picture, because it was messy!
This is not part of the peanut butter story, but he LOVES the cupboards for some weird reason! (Aaron, age 2)
Another time he got into peanut butter he was thoughtful and washed it off before he put it back. (I did not know he had it until...) I opened it and there was water inside.. NASTY! He told me he cleaned it after he ate some. lol
I do have pictures that go along with this story.. Right after we moved into our house here, about 3-5 months or so after the kids were playing in the back in their room. Nothing too crazy, because I can hear them playing so I think all is well. However, Aaron comes out (and he is about 1 and a half years old at the time) looking a bit "white". Him and his big brother Justin had decided they wanted to play with the baby powder... Oh yes, it was an entire bottle all over everything. This did not happen once, or twice, but three times in the span of about a month. Yes, I replaced the baby powder every time, until the last and just stopped buying it. Good times!!!
I wish I got the room too.. There was baby powder particles EVERYWHERE! And that stuff is hard to clean!!!!
I wish I got the room too.. There was baby powder particles EVERYWHERE! And that stuff is hard to clean!!!!