Savannah's boyfriend broke up with her after school yesterday. It was so sad, she came out with tears dropping all over the place! She said he broke up with her because everyone wanted them to, so he did. After we got home, she went to her room and was crying so hard. I asked if she was going to be ok, and she said, "No, I have a broken heart".... As a mother, how is that not suppose to make me feel a broken heart too.. I felt so bad for her, and had to tell her that she will have to 'kiss' many frogs before she finds her prince. That made her feel a little better knowing that her boyfriend is a frog.... Poor kid, hopefully today will be ok for her. I told her to just ignore him and that will make him crazy. (she liked that idea)
Justin has a loose tooth!! His very first one. The other tooth is coming in stong and fast, so we need to get it out asap, but when we try, he freaks out and starts crying. We will try again tonight to get that tooth out....
That is all for now. I am recovering from being sick AGAIN this past weekend. I at least have my voice back, for now.....
2 days ago
Yay for Justin's first loose tooth! Logan lost one today. Literally, I had to chase him down and pull it out. He's 11!
Savannah's story is so sad! Why does she have a boyfriend anyway, haha! Good advice about the frogs though :)
UMMM, how old is Savannah? Doesn't look old enough for a
how cute. Love the frog theme, very cute!
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