What a week! The rest of last week went on. Savannah has been fighting a cold for about 3 weeks now. I had to keep her home AGAIN yesterday since Sunday evening she got sick to her stomach and well, I am sure you can guess what happened all over the living room floor.. Yeah... So she stayed home with me, and Aaron.
I got a lot done at the Halloween party. I know there is more to set up, but it looks amazing. We have a very creative person in the group and she is awesome. The party should be on Friday, so I think the kids are going to love it.
Saturday was the fundraiser yard sale. It went ok. We did not have much to work with, but we made about $80. I think that is good with what we had. We worked it for about 3 hours and decided it was time to pack up. We moved everything outside, and whatever was left over was going to be picked up by one of the teams coaches. I went to take a nap.. and a couple people came by and offered to buy the remaining stuff, so Joseph sold EVERYTHING! LOL. It was great. So there was nothing to pick up.
Sunday, Joseph stayed home with Aaron. He has a nasty cough that he got from Savannah, and he has crusty nose too. :( But, hopefully it will all be outta this house. I am ready for everyone to be healthy again.
Sunday I was called into the Bishops office. I always feel like I am going to the principals office at school! lol. He was just concerned since Joseph and I have missed so much Church lately. He asked how I was feeling and I well, I came to realize that the depression is back. :( Yea, so I am back on medicine and feeling 100% better. It is amazing how this stuff creeps into your life and you are completely unaware. I will keep you updated with it, but I plan on staying on my meds for a long time now. Oh yeah, and I think Joseph is getting a different calling and will be leaving me by myself in the Primary...
This week will be same Ole stuff. Tonight Savannah has Judo, and she is excited about that. I think we are going to let her do it until the year is over and then switch her to something else.. We are not too sure yet. Wednesday is Wrestling and Achievement Day, Thursday is Judo and Wrestling. Friday we have the Halloween party, and Saturday we are doing a 3 mile walk for wounded soldiers.
Busy, Busy. I am sure there is more to add in between it all, but I cannot remember it, so I will have to update as I go. I hope everyone is well, and doing great.
2 days ago
1 comment:
Teri, I did not realize that you were having depression. I am so sorry, if you ever need anything please give me a call at 580-574-8314 or just need to talk. I wonder sometimes why it is so hard for women. I compare myself to everyone and sometimes I feel like I do not measure up. I hope you are not feeling that, because I think you are awesome and one of the first people to welcome me here and make me feel at home. I appreciate that. We should get together and let our kids play and we can hang out. Sounds like you are pretty busy, but I would love to help if I could :0)
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