Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Last week for October

What a week! The rest of last week went on. Savannah has been fighting a cold for about 3 weeks now. I had to keep her home AGAIN yesterday since Sunday evening she got sick to her stomach and well, I am sure you can guess what happened all over the living room floor.. Yeah... So she stayed home with me, and Aaron.

I got a lot done at the Halloween party. I know there is more to set up, but it looks amazing. We have a very creative person in the group and she is awesome. The party should be on Friday, so I think the kids are going to love it.

Saturday was the fundraiser yard sale. It went ok. We did not have much to work with, but we made about $80. I think that is good with what we had. We worked it for about 3 hours and decided it was time to pack up. We moved everything outside, and whatever was left over was going to be picked up by one of the teams coaches. I went to take a nap.. and a couple people came by and offered to buy the remaining stuff, so Joseph sold EVERYTHING! LOL. It was great. So there was nothing to pick up.

Sunday, Joseph stayed home with Aaron. He has a nasty cough that he got from Savannah, and he has crusty nose too. :( But, hopefully it will all be outta this house. I am ready for everyone to be healthy again.

Sunday I was called into the Bishops office. I always feel like I am going to the principals office at school! lol. He was just concerned since Joseph and I have missed so much Church lately. He asked how I was feeling and I well, I came to realize that the depression is back. :( Yea, so I am back on medicine and feeling 100% better. It is amazing how this stuff creeps into your life and you are completely unaware. I will keep you updated with it, but I plan on staying on my meds for a long time now. Oh yeah, and I think Joseph is getting a different calling and will be leaving me by myself in the Primary...

This week will be same Ole stuff. Tonight Savannah has Judo, and she is excited about that. I think we are going to let her do it until the year is over and then switch her to something else.. We are not too sure yet. Wednesday is Wrestling and Achievement Day, Thursday is Judo and Wrestling. Friday we have the Halloween party, and Saturday we are doing a 3 mile walk for wounded soldiers.

Busy, Busy. I am sure there is more to add in between it all, but I cannot remember it, so I will have to update as I go. I hope everyone is well, and doing great.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Crazy Week, and it is not over yet!

This week is crazy! There has been so much going on, and my list keeps getting longer and longer!!

Monday was a typical day. I stayed home to clean and catch up from the weekend. I wanted to go grocery shopping, but decided I can go Tuesday. About 1pm I got a call to come get Savannah from school due to a bad cough and a slight fever. I had to pick her up early twice last week, and I kept her home twice too. So, Monday I repeated, and picked the kids up an hour early. Not much more happened Monday. I did however start a new block of classes, and so far they are very interesting. I will talk more about them later, I am sure.

Tuesday I had Savannah stay home with me, and at noon I decided I had to get some groceries, so off we went. Oh, and I was not feeling well Tuesday, I had a slight fever that would come and go all day. :( Tuesday continued and I ended up having to get one of Joseph's soldier's wife from the hospital. It was a surprise to me, but it worked out well. Then I finally got home, and was confined to the couch the rest of the evening.

Wednesday I went back to the commissary to get groceries for the couple I helped out. I made them dinners for the next 3 days, and had to get the stuff. I came back and started cooking. I was only in the kitchen for about an hour and a half and made 3 dinners.... Hmmm.. sounds like I should pick a day to cook, and make my weeks worth of meals, and freeze them! It would save a lot of money, time and well, sanity. So I took the meals over and dropped them off. Then headed over to the company's office to help decorate for a Halloween party for the families. I was there for about 2 or so hours and got nothing done, but I will be back today so hopefully I can be a better helper. After that I picked the kids up from school, and had about an hour before Justin had wrestling practice. Luckily Joseph called me and he got home in time to take the kids. I had a Primary meeting at 7 that I needed to attend, and was so grateful that he was able to take the kids with him, and give me a couple hours to relax. I went to the meeting and did not get back until after 9, and I was pooped!

Today will be like yesterday, but with a few little differences. I am not cooking this morning, but I do have a TON of dishes to wash. I am helping to decorate for the Halloween party, will hopefully be home to clean up and such, then pick the kids up from school, and Justin has wrestling tonight and Savannah has Judo. We also volunteered to help do a fundraiser yard sale at our house this Saturday for Justin's wrestling team. They are trying to raise some money to help offset the cost of uniforms, equipment, travel etc. So I am trying to get ready for that too.

Friday should be a pretty normal day. Just same Ole stuff, I do however need to clean, clean, clean!!! Savannah has a birthday party to go to, and she is excited.

I am sorry I have not set up recent pictures. I cannot find my camera charger anywhere! Hopefully I will find it soon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

AUSA Convention

From October third to October ninth, Joseph was in Washington DC for an AUSA exposition. AUSA stands for Association of the United States Army. It is a great organization, and every year holds a convention to show up and coming military items and discussions. Since Joseph had won the Omar Bradley award last month, he was awarded a trip to this convention and was asked to talk about the FCS (Future Combat Systems) program that brought us here to Fort Bliss in late 2006. His talk is amazing! He did a fantastic job in informing others of what FCS can do for military members. I am very proud of him, and love him very much for what he has accomplished, and what he stands for. I am very proud that he got the chance to work with the FCS program, and that he can assist the future military with the equipment he has been testing. Here is the link to his speech, and he is the first speaker, so it will not be too hard to find. I do warn you it is 24 minutes long, so have some time to watch it or listen to it. He included videos of what he has done in the FCS program as well, so there is visual as well.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy October!

Happy October everyone! I cannot believe it is the tenth month of the year, and the year is almost over. It has gone by in a blink. I just wanted to write a quick note today. I have been sick almost all the month of September, and did not get much done that I did not have to (ie Blog). I am feeling much better, and have a least a little extra energy to use up.

Things are still going good. The kids are doing well with school, and their after school sports. Justin has had a great outlet with wrestling for all his energy. Savannah is going to get her white belt on Thursday! She is so excited!

Joseph is still busy with his new unit. They have much to do still, but it will all come together soon. He is off to Washington DC on Friday. He will be gone a week, and is excited. As it gets closer he is finding out he will be busier than he thought, and hopes to have time to sight see.

I have nothing new to report. I am still enjoying school, and I am super happy about getting over this cold. It really knocked me on my tushie.

We hope you all are well and happy!