There is not much to report on right now. This kids got sick with a flu bug that started last Thursday and 'ended' on Monday... but Savannah is complaining of a tummy ache, which is how the boys started with their sickness... ugh. No more barf, Please! She did go to school anyway because there is no fever... yet.. so we will see. I hope it is gone. I had a couple of sleepless nights last week and spent enough time cleaning puke. I am done.
Joseph had a four day weekend which was nice. We did not do too much because of the kids not feeling well, but staying home and relaxing was great. We did have to go in on Sunday because we were giving a talk in Sacrament. Justin was the only one that did not speak (even though he wanted to). So, I told Joseph that I did not think we should go to church because Justin and I had been up all night with him being sick. We were tired and he was puking. But we had an obligation, and he decided we needed to be there. So off to church we went. When we got there, I was afraid Justin would throw up on the pulpit... I was close, he threw up on the floor next to the pulpit! Great! lol. Made for a fun time! I'm glad we could share our "love" to everyone at church! hehe
Our talks went well, and apparently people liked my talk because a lot of people commented to me that it was good. I am glad because I do not remember what I said! I get so scared I "forget" my speech! hehe. I am glad it went so well though. We all did good together and it was fun having all of us talk.
Oh, Joseph got called as the elder quorum president. He was surprised, but accepted the calling. I know he will do fantastic in his calling and I know he will find the balance between work/calling/home. He does keep saying he can "do anything" and he sure is being handed a lot right now to prove that statement true. It is at times overwhelming for him, but I know I will be a supportive and strong wife just as I always have been and hope that it makes it easier for him to do his important jobs.
So, we did nothing on Monday. Tuesday was back to work/school. It was also Hilary's birthday and we totally celebrated ALL DAY! hehe. She is a good sport for letting us kidnap her twice. It was a ton of fun.
Alright, I was going to take a nap this morning since it was a late night, but I have spent my nap time on facebook and blogging and used up all of my time. Oh well. Time to get ready for the day.
9 hours ago