We are back from our trip out to California! We got back a week ago and I have still so much to catch up on! I do not know what happened but when we got back I became lethargic and tired. I slept a lot Monday and Tuesday. I was better Wednsday, but by Thursday I was wiped out again and it is Friday! I have not done much this week except be tired. What the heck??!
We were joking that on our trip Scout (our family pooch) was on alert all week watching the kids, making sure no strangers got to us, and when we would get home she would sleep for a week straight! Well, it appears that I was on alert for a couple weeks, and now I am finally relaxing! Going on vacation is hard work!
As I sit here I still cannot believe it is Friday, and it is in the mid afternoon too!!! Before I know it, the day will be over and I have not much to show for my week back home. Hopefully I will be rejuvinated again soon and have the energy that I am lacking because I need it, desperately.
Well, Off to try and get something, anything done for the day!
2 days ago